12/23/2022 (Version 6.0.8)
- Supports Landsat Collection 2 Level-2 data such as NDVI.
- Minor bug fixes.
06/30/2022 (Version 6.0.7)
- Added Well Attributes dialog box allowing authorized users to set the Bottom of Aquifer Elevation and Bedrock Encountered flag to selected wells.
- Updated the function for exporting wells to shapefiles to include well attributes.
- Updated lithology symbols on cross sections to a colored version. The Well Attribute dialog box can be opened by authorized users when right-clicking on any pf the lithology symbols.
- Improved display of the shapefile attributes.
- Updated the layout of the Well and Station popup menus.
- Added an Attributes item to the Well Popup menu. The Well Attribute dialog box can be opened by selecting the Attributes item, which is currently only visible to authorized users.
01/31/2022 (Version 6.0.6)
- Fixed a bug in the Shapefile with the shapefile type PolygonZ.
- Updated the Water Quality Portal interface to comply the WQP Web Services Guide.
05/20/2021 (Version 6.0.5)
- Fixed inconsistent display font sizes.
3/15/2021 (version 6.0.4)
- Added a lock file function to prevent a HydroDaVE (.dave) file from being simultaneous opened by more than one computer.
- Added a mutex function to prevent multiple instances of HydroDaVE Explorer from being started on the same computer.
- Renamed “groundwater quality” to “groundwater/subsurface parameter” in the application.
12/3/2017 (version 6.0.3)
- Fixed a bug in the data export function of the Weather Station time series.
9/1/2017 (version 6.0.2)
- Added a function to automatically create a backup file upon opening a HydroDaVE (.dave) file and to maintain up to five most recent backup files. The filename of a backup file consists of the original filename and the string “.~bak~YYYYMMDDHHMMSS”, where YYYY is year, MM is month, DD is day, HH is hour, MM is minute, and SS is second at which the backup file is created.
- Updated the user guide.
2/14/2017 (version 6.0.1)
- Added the Caption function. To add a caption to the Map Viewer, right-click on the Captions group on the TOC of HDX and then select Add Caption. After adding the caption, use the Settings window of the caption to modify its properties and text. Use the mouse to drag and resize the caption.
- Added the HydroDaVE logo on the map viewer.
- Fixed a bug that disallows users to save new HydroDaVE (.dave) files.
2/6/2017 (version 6.0.0)
- Starting from this release, a 32-bit and a 64-bit version of HDX are available. All previous releases were 32-bit. When updating to this release, the 32-bit version will be installed by default. In the future releases, the version corresponding to your operating system will be installed.
- If your computer is running a 64-bit version of Windows, you may download and install the 64-bit version of HydroDaVE Explorer here. The 64-bit version is in general 10-15% faster than the 32-bit counterpart. In addition, the 64-bit version can theoretically access up to 16 Exabytes (i.e., 16 billion Gigabytes) of memory and will allow you to display much more data contents and much bigger shapefiles.
- Upgraded the map rendering engine. This new version uses much less memory and is 20% faster by utilizing the GPU of modern graphic adapters. As a tradeoff, a graphical adapter that supports OpenGL 3.2 and up is required. If the new HydroDaVE Explorer is able to display map contents on your computer, it passes the requirement. If HydroDaVE Explorer crashes before displaying map contents, your graphic adapter is relative old and may need to be upgraded to a new one.
- Added the ability to allow for exporting high resolution screenshots (via File > Save Image).
- Security Update: Updated to secured links to the National Water Information System hosted by the USGS and to the Water Quality Portal hosted by the NWQMC.
- Security Update: Updated to the secured link to Elevation Point Query Service provided by the National Map.
12/6/2016 (version 5.6.2)
- Added “Open Attribute Table” functions to point-wise datasets, including Wells, Surface water stations, Weather stations, Scatter Maps, GeoTracker datasets, USGS NWIS Wells and Stations, and NWQMC Sites. To access the “Open Attribute Table”, right-click on an item on the TOC of HDX, and then select “Open Attribute Table” to open the Attribute table dialog box, that will display the contents of currently loaded datasets and allow the users to export datasets to Excel files.
- Added “Groundwater Level” and “Depth to Groundwater Level” to the Scatter Map. These new functions allow the user to get average, minimum, and maximum groundwater level data within any user-specified time frame.
- Improved display performance of all maps.
11/15/2016 (version 5.6.1)
- When scrolling the mouse wheel, the map is zoomed in/out to the mouse cursor.
10/13/2016 (version 5.6.0)
- Added support for Landsat images with spectral indices, such as NDVI, SAVI, etc.
- Added functions for exporting wells, stations, and others to the shapefile format.
- Fixed occasional crash when using the Wells or Surface Water Stations dialog boxes.
- Fixed occasional crash when switching between wells while the Piper diagram dialog box for individual wells is minimized.
2/3/2016 (version 5.5.2)
- The appearance of most tables can be customized – the columns are movable by drag-and-drop, the width of columns may be adjusted. The customized table configurations are persistent within the MinorVersion.
- Fixed a bug in the cross-section output in the SVG format (Scalable Vector Graphic) where lithology patterns may be displayed incorrectly.
1/8/2016 (version 5.5.1)
- Added functions to display or hide Dynamic Water Levels (i.e., groundwater levels measured at wells during pumping) in the Groundwater Level Chart and in the Multivariate Chart.
1/4/2016 (version 5.5.0)
- Added animation functions for Raster Map and Scatter Map. The new functions allow for visualization and analysis of complex interplay between the natural system and human activities. For example, scatter maps of historical pumping data can be combined with raster maps of land surface subsidence to demonstrate the cause-and-effect of excessive pumping.
- Updated the interface to the GeoTracker dataset and website.
11/10/2015 (version 5.4.5)
- Added support for rectilinear grids to Raster Map. Rectilinear grids may be rotated and may have irregularly-spaced columns/rows (such as finite difference models). HDX can be used to visualize user’s own grid files or grid files served from the HydroDaVE Manage Service Platform. The format of the rectilinear grid file is described in the HDX user guide.
- Added Save and Import functions to the Classes dialog that allows users to save and restore color-value mapping tables.
- Renamed Add Offline Shapefile to Import.
- Improved stability with large HydroDaVE files.
10/15/2015 (version 5.4.4)
- Added support for the Point Query Service (PQS) of the USGS to display ground surface elevation data at the mouse cursor location. PQS is based on the National Elevation Dataset and presently interpolates the elevation from the seamless DEM dataset at the resolution of 1/3 arc-second. Outside of the United States, the elevation data is provided by Google or MapQuest web services.
- Exported XLSX files are compatible with Excel 2013 and Excel 2016.
- Renamed Data Map to Scatter Map and put it under the HydroDaVE group on the TOC.
- Renamed Gridded Data Map to Raster Map and put it under the HydroDaVE group on the TOC.
- Removed the Climatic Data group from the TOC.
- Replaced DOC_NO with Data Provider in tables and exported files for groundwater level, groundwater quality, and groundwater production.
7/27/2015 (version 5.4.3)
- Added support for the daily precipitation, min/max temperature, and wind speed time series data managed by the California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS)
- Added support for the daily precipitation time series data managed by the California Data Exchange Center (CDEC).
6/30/2015 (version 5.4.2)
- Wells can be symbolized by their access modes (i.e., public, restricted, and private). The combination of the access mode of a well and the permissions of a user determines whether the user has the access to that well. Refer to Chapter 5 of the HDM user guide for the details about the access modes.
6/4/2015 (version 5.4.1)
- Added support for the downscaled precipitation grids of selected CMIP3 and CMIP5 models and scenarios. Current coverage includes (1) over one million CMIP3 daily precipitation grids of California from 1950 to 2099 with the grid resolution of 1/8 degrees (8 miles), and (2) over ten thousand CMIP5 monthly precipitation grids of California and Nevada from 1950 to 2030 with the grid resolution of 1/120 degrees (800 meters).
6/1/2015 (version 5.4.0)
- Added Groundwater Production in the Data Map.
- Added a Measurement Method dropdown box to the Groundwater and Surface Water Quality time series charts, and to the Data Map dialog box. The dropdown box allows the user to select and display sample results that are determined by (1) Laboratory analysis, (2) manual on-site measurement; (3) automated on-site measurement; and (4) all of above. When exporting groundwater quality or surface water quality records, their respective measurement methods are also exported.
- All analytes that are named in the form of AnalyteName (field) have been removed. Their sample results have been assigned as manual on-site measurement and migrated to respective analytes without the "(field)" attribute in their names.
- The following changes are made to Multivariate Charts: (1) improved download speed, (2) if the Sustainability metrics and Pumping thresholds of the active well are available, they are displayed as horizontal dashed and dotted lines on the groundwater level chart.